

Since 2021 I started teaching graphic design and interaction design full-timely in college. This page is dedicated to show a few special projects I lead or designed for teaching purposes.

To request a full teaching portfolio, please get in touch.

Symbol As Flow:
A 2-Week No-Code Web Programming Workshop

With Otis GD MFA Students

The Symbol As Flow Archive explores the glitch, noise, uncertainty and fluidity behind signs, rethinking our role as designers under the massive aphasia of media communication. 

During the workshop, each student contributor completed an interactive visual webpage as the narration of a re-told, or original story of a “glitchy, noisy, fluid, unstable, resistant sign”. The web developing workshop uses Webflow’s no-code collaborative workspace and lasted 2 weeks.

Otis GD Senior Show 2024

With Otis Graphic Design and Illustration BFAs


With the class “Senior Show” and 56 graphic design and illustration senior students at Otis College, we designed, curated and executed the annual exhibition of the department senior show. The show theme “Pathfinder”, highlights the courage of the new grads towards the unknow journey of the creative world. The whole project includes full-stack exhibition identity design, social media campaign planning, production of merches, and so many outcomes.

Derivative Narration

With Otis Graphic Design MFAs

“Derivative Narration” is a project that seeks possibility of creative graphic making with machine-generated literature. The 4-day workshop explores RiTa and language prediction/grammar objects with Javascript and web, yielding a experimental zine that made collectively by student participants.

The workshop was first made possible with Graphic Design MFA students at Otis College of Art and Design, as part of the Otis GD MFA Art Book Fair, Summer 2023.

KCAI GD Senior Shows

With Graphic Design serniors at Kansas City Art Institute

Two years in a row, I was the mentor of the senior class where we made the annual thesis show happens at KCAI graphic design. Under the 2021 theme “Anyth[ing]” and 2022 theme “New Tab”, the course gave students a rehearsal to experience real-deal production of many professional workflows: exhibition design, editorial design, social media promotion and campaign, art direction and event planning, etc.

Interaction Inquiry

With Graphic Design BFA students at Kansas City Art Institute

As the first faculty member to teach the new “Interaction Inquiry” at KCAI Graphic Design, I created the 2-year syllabus to encourage a wide spectrum of exploration among the idea of interaction: creative coding and hardware interaction, reality technology, user experience and full-stack product design, storytelling with non-linear experience, generative tools in typography, and more.